Our Values2024-01-29T15:13:42-08:00


At BOLOUR curiosity is the engine for our growth.
We are curious about markets, products, strategies and most importantly people.


We grow through the challenges of holding ourselves, our peers, and our company accountable.


We work every day at BOLOUR to foster an environment of trust.
We strive to build trusting relationships with our investors, employees, borrowers, and with every working relationship.


Outstanding results are achieved through the exchange of ideas, teamwork,
communication and mutual respect.

Alone we are mediocre, together we create unimaginable results.


Compassion is the glue that keeps us together.
It reminds us of our accountability to one another, enables our curiosity, and fuels our collaboration.


Read about our latest project successes.

BOLOUR continues to strengthen its Financial Planning and Analysis division, promoting Sagar Ashani to Finance Manager and hiring Amyhr [...]

November 25th, 2024|Uncategorized|
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